• 98% Improvement in Sleep
  • 41% Decrease in Depression
  • 87% Decrease in Anxiety
  • 60% Improvement in cognitive activity
  • 38% Increase in Memory
  • 78% Improvement in Processing Speed
  • 67% Improvement in attention
  • 65% Reduction in Depression Scores through PHQ9

TEXAS VALOR PROJECT provides a solution for Veterans who face challenges due to Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). This particular injury, commonly seen in post 9/11 Veterans, has been significantly overlooked and neglected. Unfortunately, many of the Veterans we’ve assisted over the years have not received proper diagnosis or treatment for their TBI. Instead, they have often been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress (PTS), leading to prescribed medications as a treatment.

Although the symptoms of PTS and TBI may resemble each other, medicating solely for PTS doesn’t address the actual brain injury for those with TBI. However, we have found that functional neurology offers an effective treatment for brain injuries.


Through long-standing partnerships with Dallas area physicians and pharmacies, we tackle both the physiological and chemical challenges that Veterans and First Responders with TBI encounter. A rigorous two-week, in-house program begins the treatment process, including a total-body approach and continued care moving forward. See the Brain Treatment page for specifics.

TVP Brain Treatment Recipient

A quick update on our first Brain Treatment Scholarship Recipient



rTMS (Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)

 rTMS is an FDA-approved method that utilizes magnetic waves to stimulate specific areas of the brain. By boosting neuronal activity on a cellular level, this treatment helps restore neurological function. Originally intended for alleviating depression symptoms by activating the prefrontal cortex, rTMS has proven equally impressive results when applied to other brain regions. Its versatility makes it invaluable for addressing a wide range of neurological imbalances, including depression reduction, improved cognition, and restoration of motor function.

OVARD (GyroStim)

The OVARD, or Off-Vertical Axis Rotational Device, is employed to restore vestibular integrity in individuals suffering from balance disorders, spatial orientation issues, and impaired visual processing due to minor head injuries or neurodegeneration. This device systematically spins patients, activating and integrating the vestibular system to address feelings of dizziness, vertigo, and nausea.

Eye Movement Therapy

With a deep understanding of the visual system’s pathways, our clinicians use targeted exercises to enhance vision and balance by stimulating various brain regions. Ocular diagnostics provide insights into an individual’s neurological function, and specific eye movement and visual stimulation techniques are applied to improve efficiency in eye-brain coordination. This therapy helps reduce depression, fix double vision, and alleviate dizziness.

Functional Movement Restoration

The brain thrives on physical movement, and our clinicians assess movement deficits and postural imbalances to teach patients how to move in ways that strengthen the brain-body connection. This approach reduces dizziness, improves focus, and restores energy levels. For stroke and TBI patients seeking to regain mobility, our team focuses on establishing structurally sound biomechanics, leading to the production of neurotransmitters and chemicals that accelerate the brain’s healing and the formation of connections.

Chiropractic / Manual Therapy

Manual therapy and gentle adjustments complement neurological treatments by alleviating pain, stiffness, and postural imbalances. Patients experiencing neck stiffness after injuries like concussion, stroke, or TBI benefit from gentle neck work alongside eye therapy. Resistance strength exercises and assisted stretching aid in re-educating motor function post-stroke and promoting neuromuscular integrity.

Natus EMG

A diagnostic and rehabilitation tool, Natus EMG is used by neurologists to perform needle EMGs and NCVs for identifying nerve integrity. As a rehabilitation tool, it utilizes electrical pulses to stimulate different body areas to achieve specific outcomes.

Interactive Metronome

Designed for neurocognitive timing, this tool provides feedback to patients, allowing them to monitor and measure movements to achieve goals.

Neuroelectric Rebuilder

An FDA-cleared TENS/EMS unit used in various clinics, this electrical modality rebuilds nerves using patented waveforms that automatically adjust to each patient’s needs. It calms nerves, increases blood flow to affected areas, and aids nerve cell healing.


Neurofeedback therapy retrains an individual’s ability to control specific brain functions, enhancing brain efficiency. Real-time feedback helps establish self-regulation for various neurological conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTS, headaches, and sleep disorders.

Cognitive Training

Cognitive enhancement therapies challenge and stimulate the mind to improve memory, focus, processing speeds, word recall, and more. The team at Resiliency Brain Health identifies neurological issues and employs targeted mental exercises to strengthen memory centers and cognitive pathways.

Nutrition Counseling

Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in improving brain function, healing from stroke or brain injury, and reducing depression, anxiety, and PTSD symptoms. Our clinicians offer guidance on avoiding neuroinflammatory foods and incorporating brain-boosting foods to restore gut function and promote brain healing, resulting in improved mood, energy levels, and digestive processes.